Wait! Who Prescribed Your Birth Control Pills?

African woman holding birth control pills

The rise of the skin care industry has also started another worrying trend. There are young girls buying birth control pills prescribed to them by skin care “experts” to cure hormonal acne. It is true that there are certain birth control pills help with acne but please, it is only a gynecologist that can prescribe birth control for you. There are a million birth control pills in the market made with various kinds of chemicals. What worked for Ify will not work for Efe because our bodies function differently and are very unique.

When I started on birth control two years ago because of heavy periods and PMS, the doctor conducted a number of tests on me. She did blood, thyroid, allergens etc. It is from the results of these test that she found a specific pill that will work for me and solve my specific needs. Even after then, she monitored me for six months before continuing with the medicine. There are people who still have adverse reactions to the pills after tests by their doctor. That alone is enough to tell you how strong birth control pills are.

Birth control pills are not vitamin C tablets. There are medicines that work around our reproductive system. If you take the wrong ones you may be wreaking havoc to your body or making your body vulnerable to certain diseases and illnesses. People have linked birth control to severe illnesses, sudden weight gain or weight loss and that these pills also affect the brain.

A dermatologist is a skin doctor and should not prescribe birth control for you. I won’t even mention a skin care “expert”. For whatever reason, if you think you need birth control go to a gynecologist before it ends in: had I known.

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