Self-Care for Young Professionals – Taking a Much-Deserved Break From Work

I started to think to myself that I never again want to get to the point of complete break down before I take time from work to refuel. This is something I decided to be deliberate about.

Young woman resting after work

A few days to Christmas, I was at a Coffee shop, all swamped with tons of opened tabs on my computer, never-ending work notes, and wondering – “Who sent me?”!  Just as I was thinking I must be the only one that is likely not to have a jolly and merry holiday, an old client (turned friend) walked in, laptop in one hand, handbag on the other and with a look that screams “I don’t care what I look like right now-this girl is all about chasing the money.” Fast forward an hour later, we started chatting and got to that part of the conversation where you ask, ‘so how is it going at xyz? Then she goes; “I’m leaving xyz company, I need to take a break, take a step back from it all and recalibrate.

Typically, I would have felt what seemed like an Ah-Ah-It’s-not-only-me type of relief. But instead, I started to think to myself that I never again want to get to the point of complete break down before I take time from work to refuel. This is something I decided to be deliberate about.


If it’s not an emergency, don’t feel guilty 

As much professionals have tasks screaming for our attention, we must also remember that there is time for everything. My mantra this season is; If it’s not an emergency, don’t feel guilty about it. I love this example of a car that needs refuelling – from the book, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari“Saying you do not have time to improve yourself, whether this means improving your mind or nourishing your spirit, is much like saying you do not have the time to stop for gas because you are too busy driving. Eventually, it will catch up with you.” Similarly, you need to refill your soul. And the holiday is the best time to rest from work and refuel for the next year.

Some Practical Tips to Help You Refuel Are:

Finally, I’ll leave you with this interesting quote about work “Taking time to renew yourself is the most important thing you can do. Ironically, taking time out from your busy schedule for self-improvement and personal enrichment will dramatically improve your effectiveness once you get back into it.” – Robin Sharma (The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari)

Have a merry and restful holiday!


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