Is Your Toothpaste Harming Your Teeth?

Woman flossing her teeth

I have had aching gums for a while; If I eat anything slightly hard my gums will swell and when I drink cold drinks, I get a sharp pain in my teeth. I didn’t understand why because I am one of those people who brush first thing in the morning, in-between meals and before going to bed.

After postponing for many months, I finally went to the dentist. To be honest, I was a little afraid. I thought they might have to remove a tooth or tell me I have some kind of gum disease, but it was only just my toothpaste.

Apparently not every toothpaste in the market are particularly good for your teeth. I have been using the same brand for a while and according to the dentist, it doesn’t have enough fluoride to protect my teeth from bacteria.

These days, toothpaste brands promise whitening, cavity protection, pro-enamel and more. But what exactly is in the toothpaste? Before now, I didn’t look at the ingredients of any toothpaste, it never even occurred to me, but according to the dentist the most important ingredient a toothpaste should have is called stannous fluoride. It doesn’t matter if the toothpaste has a million other ingredients, if it doesn’t have stannous fluoride ,it cannot protect your teeth.

In addition to brushing at least twice a day with an effective toothpaste, the dentist recommended flossing. Your toothbrush cannot get in-between your teeth to remove strands of meat, vegetable or fruits but flossing will get them out. Toothpicks do half the job, but they are too fat to go between and teeth, and when you force it, you hurt your gum so it’s best you floss.

Now that I have shared what I learned with you, please remember to read the ingredients on your favourite brand of toothpaste before you buy it.





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