How To Handle Professional Jealousy

Professional Jealousy In The Workplace

Imagine a celebrity you don’t really send buys a new mansion; wetin concern you? You simply look and move on. Even if it’s the one you send, it doesn’t really pinch you like that. But there’s something about the success of people we know; our friends and colleagues that just hits different. It’s not always that you don’t want them to win (Unless you are a wicked person o) it’s that you somehow covet that victory, you wish it was you with the new job, new spouse, new book etc. Anyway, jealousy is not a new concept, but this week, I want to focus on professional jealousy.

Now, maybe a colleague at work won an award for the staff of the year, or someone got a job you’ve been eyeing, or maybe it’s just that the boss gave a glowing compliment to your colleague during staff meeting; ehen, it can pinch, no matter how much you love/respect the person. No airs needed abeg. It’s very natural to feel jealous of others. These days, with social media, it has gotten even worse. especially in these days of social media where people often announce their wins.

But have you ever asked yourself this question: what use is jealousy, what can we achieve from jealousy? The answer to these questions depends on you. You can either turn your professional jealousy into a productive energy or allow it turn into envy which still won’t get you that promotion or award or recognition that you seek. Yes, I sound like a Nigerian Pastor but please keep listening. Lol.

In my opinion, the first step to working through your jealous is to admit that you are jealous. And no, this does not mean you are Satan or the anti-Christ. You are simply a human being with a complex range of emotions. Sometimes we tend to shrug our feelings off and say we don’t care, meanwhile you are bristling inside. Just admit that you are jealous. Okay? Ehen.

At this point, you must silence that negative voice in your head saying you are worthless because you didn’t win or get the award. It’s so easy to fall into negativity and agree with that voice that you are bad at what you. When I get into a state like this, I write my affirmations over and over again on a piece of paper until that negative voice shuts up.

Next, focus on your path. Like they say in pidgin English, face your front. You are on a race with yourself, there is nobody ahead of you or behind you, just focus on your journey. Let your close friends and family know that you are struggling with jealousy. Often, those people who have known you for long will help to remind you of your hard work and dedication. It always helps for us to be reminded by our loved ones that our time will come.

Finally, it also helps to ask questions. If you think that there’s something you don’t know or are not doing well in your professional journey, reach out to those who know for help. It doesn’t hurt to put yourself out there and learn from those who are successful, there might just be something small that you are missing. I have a friend who started an online clothing store. In the first six months, it was difficult, she was barely making sales and had less than 100 followers. Instead of being jealous of those who were prospering, she applied to be an intern for a bigger fashion store for free! She’d worked in the store for another six months and in the process, she not only learned more skills on sewing, but she also learned how to use social media to grow her business. Today, her store is one of the popular ones on Instagram.

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