Habits to Keep You Motivated Through 2022

Happy and productive black woman

One thing about new Year’ is that feeling we get where we start again. It’s “out with the past, old with the new.” We plan for things and hope with conviction that we can accomplish them but then, for the end of the first quarter of the year, many of us have deviated from our new year goals and resolutions. So, how do we stay focused and committed to our goals? Over the years, I have learned tips and techniques to stay committed to my goals. I haven’t always been perfect with them, but to a large extent, they’ve helped me achieve success.

Stay Inspired

This might sound very simple but do not underestimate the power of inspiration. To do this, I often follow people I admire, people I look up to in certain areas and through their daily living, I keep myself inspired. Social media helps with this, but also YouTube interviews, books, podcasts, and more. There’s a ton of information out in the world, all you must do is look. If your goal is to invest and save money this year, find a financial guru and follow them. Listen to their advice and tips. The thing is, you don’t have to swallow all their words in one day- do it day by day or when you feel unmotivated- inspiration is a fuel it keeps you going.


This is more than saying or writing down things you want to achieve. How are you going to achieve those goals? Think practically. For example, if you want to start a business, you’ll need capital. Where do you get it from? Have you saved for it? After Starting what is your marketing plan? Do you want to use social media? Have you learned how to market with social media? This applies to other aspects of our lives- always make detailed day-to-day plans.

Perfection and over-independence are crippling habits

Striving to be perfect stops you from moving forward. You stay in one place, cleaning, polishing, not going forward because you want step one to be perfect! However, if you do your best with each step on your journey, it will all come together in a way that is perfect for you! Learn to ask for help, learn to accept help too. Don’t be ashamed, everyone needs assistance or help, and don’t be too proud or think you can do it all alone.


We all know this one: I will do it later; I will do it tomorrow and so on. Try to find some discipline every day. Create a routine, have a planner. Honestly, it is not easy to be disciplined every day, but procrastination is a major dream killer.

Connect with yourself

Before, when people tell me to connect with myself or check in emotionally, I just roll my eyes – it sounded wishy-washy to me until I tried it. Staying connected with yourself helps you gauge your feelings or where you are emotionally. By staying connected with yourself, you can tell when you are burnt out when you need a break. When you “feel off” during your day-to-day activities, use the HALT method to check in with yourself. Hungry? Nourish yourself. Angry? Interrogate the anger. Lonely? Reach out to family and friends. Tired? Rest.


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