Five Skincare Myths Beauty Companies Profit From

Woman applying skincare products to her face

For as long as I can remember, I have had acne and spots all over my face. Because of this, I believed that I genetically had acne-prone skin and that no product could make my face clear of scars and acne. A few months ago, my friend convinced me otherwise. She recommended a couple of products to me but before shopping, I read over a dozen articles and washed several YouTube videos about skincare. In the process, I discovered some myths (lies skincare manufacturers and retailers tell to make people buy more products). Here are five of the most common ones

Shower water is bad for your face

Those who focus on this point sell all sorts of rose and sunflower seed water as an alternative to shower water. I am not saying those products have no benefit, but shower water is only harmful to your skin when it is scorching hot. Very hot water is what is bad for your skin, not the shower water itself.  

Don’t dry your face with a towel

Again, those who promote this point have alternate face wipes. It’s not that wipes are bad for your face, but towels are also good. As long as the towel is clean and not infected with bacteria, yeast or fungi you are can use it. Buy the fancy wipes if you want to not because you think you have to.

Exfoliate Daily (and use a scrubbing brush)

Girl this is such a lie, they just want to sell more scrubs and brushes. You shouldn’t exfoliate daily as too much scrubbing of your skin strips it of its natural oil and leaves it too dry. Also, the mechanical brushes might feel soft, but they are stripping your skin of every natural oil, they leave your skin very dry and flaky. Dermatologists suggest we exfoliate a maximum of three times a week.

If your face is not burning the product is not working

Please if you feel a burning sensation get that product off your face. Products aren’t supposed to burn. The burning is your skin’s way of telling you it is being destroyed.

The more products you use, the better your skin looks

A big fat lie. In fact, your skin is more likely to react to a mix of all the chemicals in the products. Stick to a simple routine. For me I wash my face with a gentle face wash, I use a light serum then I moisturize, that’s all. I started only a few months ago and I have seen improvements. You don’t need to break the bank to get good skin.

I am not saying using a lot of product is bad either but most of those products are not necessary, but our skin is very different and unique, that a product worked for Bisola doesn’t mean it will work Hauwa. Learn to read about the benefits of ingredients in a product. Don’t fall for all the skincare hype from influencers, they’ve been paid to get you to buy more products!

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