How To Get Rid Of Musty Smell And Keep Your House Clean And Fragrant

You may clean your house often and still have a musty smell because you get no air. Air conditioning is great, but from time to time, open all your doors and windows for cross ventilation.

I love the scent of fresh linen. Luckily for me, I no longer fantasize to have it bottled, because it has been done already (Hello, Febreze!). To be honest, the smell of a clean house is also one of my favourite things.

I don’t imagine that there are people who don’t enjoy the fresh smell of a clean home. Even people who are not keen on scents/perfumes often make the effort to keep stale and musty smells away by using things like camphor or vinegar.

But if you are an enthusiast like me, and want your home to particularly smell clean and fragrant, here are a few tips to help you do just that.

Clean up

(Duh!) Yes, I know. Everyone cleans. But do you really CLEAN? Keeping your house clean requires conscious and consistent effort that goes beyond sweeping daily and spring cleaning every quarter. You need to create a chore roster that helps you clean every nook and cranny of your home on a regular basis. The little areas that are forgotten until spring cleaning day can be the difference between a clean looking house and a fresh smelling home.


You may clean your house often and still have a musty smell because you get no air. Air conditioning is great, but from time to time, open all your doors and windows for cross ventilation. The fresh air will get rid of trapped, stale air, giving you a sort-of ‘blank slate’ to paint your favourite smells upon.


If you must use rugs and carpets, please, please, and please, use a vacuum cleaner too! These things hold on to a lot of dust, bacteria, and surprise, surprise, residual smells as well! Same goes for your sofas and curtains. Some vacuum cleaners even have a deep clean option that helps you wash your furniture with some degree of ease. So, please, vacuum away!

Use potpourris, candles, and diffusers
While growing up, we had this diffuser that looked like an upside down lamp shade with lights and waving pieces of triangular fabric. My dad regularly dropped scent oils in it, and when the living room lights were off, the ambience was lovely. You don’t have to go find something like it though, you can simply use candles, potpourris, or even the popular Air Wick air freshener diffusers with your favourite fragrances.

Boil cinnamon 

This one is for people who love baking scents in their homes. Put a saucepan of water and cinnamon sticks or powder to boil, and leave your kitchen door open. After a few minutes, the smell will permeate your whole home. Yum!

Whatever combination works for you, we hope these tips help you create a home you can always enjoy.

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