Young, Wild and Free -Making the Most of Your 20s

Happy woman in her 20s

I felt untouchable in my 20s – I was young, full of energy and believed the world was at my feet. Think about it, in your 20s, you grow accustomed to the freedom of new found adulthood. You probably have your first job, first ‘serious’ relationship, and a line of dreams and opportunities waiting to be realised.

Interestingly, there is a tendency to be more laidback and less intentional because you think you have ‘time’. But before you know it, your 20s fly past you. So if you are reading this and still in your 20s, or you know any younger woman in her 20s, here are a few things I wish I did better:

Get at least one form of exercise every day

You don’t have to hit the gym, but the earlier you make it a habit to stay fit and active, the better. Don’t wait till you can only squat for five seconds before your knees start screaming. Take short walks, in the evening or early in the morning. Take the stairs instead of the elevator and take short breaks to stretch your limbs during the day.

Don’t put your life on hold for things you can’t control

Value the life you have in your 20s have enjoy it. You don’t have to wait for that big financial break or a spouse or that thing you’ve been dreaming of to become a reality before you live and love your life. Take yourself out. Move countries if you want to and are able to. Buy the ‘big’ car that they have said will drive men away. Live your best life!

Declutter at least once or twice a year

This applies to everything, mind, body and soul. Get rid of all the clothes and shoes that you haven’t used in the past six months. You most likely will never use them and they’ll pile up. Go on a juice cleanse or a detox diet and just generally take a break. Go on a retreat or on a holiday alone(to somewhere safe) or take a social media break. Decluttering gets rid of the junk and creates space for the new. You’ll always feel refreshed afterwards.

Have a work-life balance

Some of us are workaholics and love our jobs which is great but it’s important to have a balance. Especially early on in your 20s. You may be tempted to put this on hold till you get older and focus on ‘the grind’. But as you advance and take on more responsibilities, you’ll find it much harder to. Invest in a hobby or cause that you can fully enjoy without the pressure of making money. Spend time with friends and family, you may not have as much time as you assume you would have, in the future.

Put your phone down more

There’s a quote that says ‘The present is a gift you’ll never get back.” And it’s true. So put your phone down more, be present. Look around, take in your surroundings, engage fully in conversations and the people around you. Sometimes picking up our phones is just reflex so make a conscious effort to resist the urge and bask in your present.

What advise would you give your younger self?

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