Why You Should Get On The Retinol Wagon, ASAP

Happy Muslim woman holding a skin care serum

I know some of us had the good fortune of going through the already awkward teenage phase of acne. But some people didn’t have the luck. But the good-ish thing about struggling with adult set acne in your 20s or 30s is that, over the years, we’ve gathered knowledge of skin care, exploring ingredients like salicylic acid, Benzoyl peroxide etc. It means that we’ve also learnt what works for our body and under which conditions our skin thrives the most. If you are reading this, acne or not, and you don’t have a skin care routine, then you need to rethink a lot of things. Lol.

The truth is, getting “old” involves a lot more than dreading the next birthday; it’s also about taking care of your body and mind. We work out more because metabolism drops, and we need to stay in shape. And we take care of our skin and hair even more because cells that would have originally rejuvenated themselves easily now don’t seem to do so anymore.

Then comes retinol! Kinda. At this stage, many beauty brands and bloggers advise us to start hydrating, stay out of the sun, wear sunscreen like your life depends on it (it kinda does) and use anti-aging products. Yep! Retinol is the anti-aging drug one that is most recommended. Look, I could seriously go on and on about the science and benefits of retinol. But I have to admit, retinol can be hit or miss with “non-sciency” people like me, I’ll just explain the basics.

What is retinol?

This is basically a group of ingredients that contain a Vitamin A derivative. It is technically a type of retinoid and comes in different formulations. It is the ultimate anti-aging miracle worker. It also has the magical ability to treat acne, prevent dullness, promote plump, firm skin, and minimize fine lines and wrinkles.

What does it do for you?

Like I mentioned, it’s a super ingredient. It helps to increase collagen production and cell turnover. It helps with acne, acne scarring, dark spots and serves as an amazing, I mean AMAZING, anti-aging property. I remember watching this 50 something year old lady and she looked amazing for her age. She said if there’s anything she credits it to, it’s the retinol that she has taken every week for the past 30 years.

When do you start using retinol?

If there’s a discourse in the retinol using community, it’ll be when to start using retinol. Some say early twenties is too early while some say it’s just fine. It’s understandable to regulate the use of retinol at a young age because it is indeed not a soft or calm ingredient and can lead to dryness, itchy and flaky skin, chemical peel, and a lot more. Because of all these, retinol is advised to be tested and watched very closely when you just start using.


Finally, while the benefits of this wonder skin care product are mostly undebatable, you must remember to always see your dermatologist for proper consultation before starting any new product.

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