What You Should Know Before Getting Your Apartment in Your 20s

Young woman happy in her apartment

A couple of weeks ago, I was able to pay for my very first apartment in the city of Abuja. After searching for what appeared to be a long time, I could afford a small space in a secure location that I felt would serve my current purpose as I plan and position myself for bigger things.

After I paid in full, it hit me that I had just started a journey and there was still more to do. Renting the apartment wasn’t enough, I needed to make it home to suit my needs and perception of what I wanted my safe heaven to be. So far, I am happy to say that I have been able to get a good quantity of what I wanted and I’m still in the process of getting more.

I have to admit, it hasn’t been easy, but I would like to think that the universe aligned in my favor. Here are a few tips that helped me and I hope they help you too.

Save as much as you can early enough:  The earlier you start saving for your new place, the better. Of course, to do this you need to have a good-paying job (which I hope you do) But saving can be a bit tedious especially in a country like ours that doesn’t allow you to save much because funds are channeled to things like feeding and transport. But save as much as you can by living with your parents for the meantime or living with a friend who is kind enough to accommodate you for a specific time frame.

Have a side hustle: You can never really depend on just your monthly to make it in this economy. You need to have a side hustle which will help in growing your saving or help your immediate needs while you grow your savings with your salary.

Start small: I had to say this to myself a lot while I kept buying the things I needed. I know that feeling of wanting to have it all at once but that is not always the case. Make a list that prioritizes your needs and secure that first.

Pick a less flashy area to live in: One hack I found while looking for my place is that houses in metro/flashes area more expensive usually for a small space. What might interest you in a metro area can be expensive, leaving you with no money to furnish your space. To win both ways, pick a less urban area that is easy to navigate, close to work, and cheaper.

Consider online shopping to thrift stores: It all about saving cost and maximizing your finance. Consider prices from online stores to see what good discounts are there and look up thrift sites that sell housing items of good quality (make sure they are trustworthy)

I hope these tips help you just as they helped me, good luck!

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