Want to Be Happy? Here’s How

Black lady looking fulfilled and happy

Going about your daily life can be tiring sometimes. How much more living and actually being happy. But what if we can be happy? What if our mundane, daily existence can make us fulfilled? Now, I’m not saying that you won’t have problems once in a while. But there are simple things that can definitely help in this quest. I list a few of them below.

Mind Your Business

First off, I know this isn’t what you are expecting to see but, mind your business. You might not know how important this is towards making you live a better life until you start doing it. Stop trying to know everything happening with everybody. They are living their own lives and what they do with it isn’t your business. Now, I know there are times when you have to check up on your neighbour, ask your friend what’s up with the gloomy face, intervene when your coursemate is being abused by someone and some other instances. But, don’t go about forcing yourself into people’s lives and businesses. Mind your business.

Focus On The Positive

This may sound almost impossible because there’s a whole lot of sadness and negativity going on but, you should learn to focus on the positive. To find long term happiness, you need to make sure you stop yourself from accommodating negativity. One way to make sure you focus on positivity is to meditate sometimes. Once in a day, after all the hustle and work stress and school stress, sit down and think about the positive things that have happened to you for the day. It could be the pen you lost and found, or that passenger in the bus that offered to pay your fare or the friend that bought you lunch. It doesn’t have to be a big deal but, when you remember that something good happened to you, you would know life isn’t that bad.

Accept Your Imperfections

This is so important. You are not perfect and the earlier you accept that, the better. If you do not understand that you are a person with faults and mistakes and you can do things wrong, these tips would never work for you because you would keep finding faults in everything you do. Nobody is saying you shouldn’t strive for perfection but, in your journey towards perfection, know that imperfection is the start and perfection is the goal. Never allow yourself to feel useless because you’re not perfect.

De-stress Through Music

This tip is underrated but, do you know what music does to you? There are different genres of music and they are there for different moods. Yes, I said it. My playlist, for example, is filled with different genres of songs for my different moods. Therefore, when I’m feeling down and sad, I know I want to stop feeling sad and I put on some songs I can dance to. When I just want to meditate or something, I have songs to listen to. Create a relationship with music. I tell you, you will never understand this until you finally try it. So, hey, start listening to plenty songs.

Don’t Compare Yourself With Others

Finally, I’m going to tell you to be yourself. This is something my dad always tells me and my siblings. Do you. Don’t try to compare yourself to anybody. My name is Victoria and yes, I might change sometimes, try to be a better person sometimes, but, in the end, there isn’t anybody like me. Your relationships and friendships should also help you to understand yourself and enjoy being you. If you find yourself in a crowd of people who do not make you learn or grow or feel good about yourself, then, you are among the wrong people and you should walk away. The people who want you to do things you aren’t comfortable doing just because they feel like you aren’t one of them? Then, leave those friends. You are not one of them.

So, my dears, you should really learn how to do some basic things that would help you to be happy. This world is already sad enough. You don’t want to live your life being unhappy. I wouldn’t even like that for you.

I hope you enjoyed today’s post. I hope to see you next time. Thank you.

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