5 Unconventional Valentine’s Day Gifts Your Man Won’t Be Expecting

This may not be the most romantic valentine gift in the book, but it is a very practical and thoughtful one. It can even be funny. After his main gift that has been packaged beautifully, he won’t also be expecting a full tank.

Woman giving valentine gift to her boyfriend

Okay ladies, so Valentine’s Day is in one week. Exciting time for many ladies, but also, things can get really confusing with gift hunting for your boo. I mean, it may be easy to guess what a girl wants for Valentine’s day. We tend to be more expressive and this works for us. But, you see men, in their way they can be so tight-lipped, you’ll guess forever and not still not get it right.

On the flip side, you may already have your Valentine package ready for your special person. That wristwatch he has been eyeing for a long time. Those plane tickets to that dream vacation. The shoes he has saved on his phone, pictures of them in every colour. His favourite perfume, etc.

All of these are great, but I’m just here to tell you to add something extra. It might seem small, but it’ll be extremely thoughtful and won’t be easily forgotten. Trust me.

Here are 5 non-so-fancy things to get your boo for Valentine’s Day.

Fill up his gas tank

This may not be the most romantic valentine gift in the book, but it is a very practical and thoughtful one. It can even be funny. After his main gift that has been packaged beautifully, he won’t also be expecting a full tank. It’ll be a weird and great surprise.

Paying for his toll fee

Still, on the tone of weird and practical gifts, we all know how annoying it is to always pay toll fees. You could pay for his e-tag subscription for a few months. 12000naira will get you about 2 months’ worth. This is also something he won’t be expecting.

Grooming products

Men like to take care of themselves too. So, after buying that nice and expensive perfume, why not add a few extra products like a beard oil, a beard comb, some shaving sticks. It’s not a usual gift but it’ll be remembered for a while.

Something you made with your hands

There’s nothing that speaks care and thoughtfulness like a handmade present. It could be a card, the box you use to wrap the other gifts, anything! It can carry a quote you both know, an inside joke, anything sweet and romantic that reminds you of your love.

Something customised

Everyone likes gifts. Everyone loves customised gifts. There’s just something about knowing that the item just wasn’t picked off a shelf in a store. It could be a mug with his pet name, sneakers with an inscription, or a customised card or picture frame or a tee-shirt.

Create your own valentines date at home. 

This may involve a few things. Movie date at home. A home-cooked meal. Just make it fancy and super extra. The home cooked meal could be something different from what you both are used to having. (Just make sure it is a recipe you have practised before. Lol. Nobody wants charred, salty food on Valentine’s day.)

You could add candles, flowers, wine, the whole nine yards. And men, if you’re reading this, this world for us too!

These gifts do not have to be the main Valentine’s gifts. They are just extra things to add the proverbial icing on the cake. And make your Valentine’s day the most memorable one yet.

Finally, remember that loving the other person is the most important part of the celebration.


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