Too Much News? Step Back And Relax

Woman stressed out by too much negative news

In the wake of the #Endsars protest, it’s hard not to feel numb by the fact that we still haven’t gotten justice for any of the murdered protesters. To make matters worse, there are news about a possible no-fly list targeted at some pro #EndSARS citizens, as well as the push for social media censorship by our National Assembly. #Sigh. Staying up to date with the news and everything happening can be daunting, especially because good news feels so far and in-between. I’ve found myself constantly scrolling from tweet to tweet, video to video and quite frankly, it is rattling my nerves.

Many of us may have struggled with wanting to know what’s going on versus feeling like we just can’t take it all in. Look, this is totally understandable. Despite wanting to stay informed, it’s important to also take care of your mind and emotional well being. Here are a few tips on how you might go about it.

Avoid Distressing Graphic Visuals

You don’t have to allow yourself be emotionally battered and bruised in order to show your solidarity. Take care of your mind by filtering what you watch or look at.

Manage Your Social Media Time

I recommend taking intentional breaks from social media. You can switch off your phone or your data/Wifi for certain periods of time. If you feel like you really want to keep up with the news then avoid staying on for prolonged periods of time. 

Indulge in Activities That Make You Relax and Happy

Don’t feel like you’re a coward or not ‘strong’ for wanting a break. Constant engagement should not be a measure of strength.  Indulging in activities that make you feel better will fortify you for when you need to get your head back in the game. The plan is not to permanently detach yourself; it is to balance yourself and your emotions so you come back stronger, not beat down.

Talk to Someone

Talk to someone about how you feel. Express your frustrations, anger, disappointment etc and allow yourself to feel whatever it you’re feeling. Don’t keep them bottled up.


If you’re religious, prayer is definitely helpful. It has helped me offload my heart and given me strength and hope to keep going.
Do you  have personal self care tips that have helped you process recent happenings in Nigeria? Please share them in the comment section.
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