Time Management For People With A Billion Things To Do

Running my own side hustle made time management even worse. Sure, I was in control and there was no boss to report to. Still, I often fell behind


Back in the day, before adult-ing hit me, I would raise my eyes at anyone who used the line – “Sorry, there’s no time. I’ve been busy.” I apologise to anyone reading this who got a dose of that response.  In the least I should have tried to hide my sarcasm when I said; “Oh I forgot you are the busiest person in the world.”

Years later, I now get it.  It is hectic to juggle what seems like a billion things to do in so little time! In this internet age, the world has become more fast-paced, leaving us with an increasing need to keep up with the ever-changing trends.  And naturally, effective time management isn’t an easy skill to master, especially when the pressures are high.

I used to worry about the days going by so fast and not ticking off things off my to-do list. As a career person, I would leave the office late and still carry tasks to the next day. Running my own side hustle made time management even worse. Sure, I was in control and there was no boss to report to. Still, I often fell behind and decided to find a way around it. But alas,

Here are a few things I am learning from the process.


The same way you commit to a business vision or making a relationship work, managing your time also requires a great deal of commitment. Time management is the commitment to mindfully adhere to achieving daily to-dos and staying true to your planned schedules. It is the commitment to declutter your space and mind from irrelevant distractions that often come in between. I made a commitment to make some changes using these simple tips that are helping me through the busyness.

Declutter your mind

When you have a lot of things to do but you don’t know where to start, it may mean your mind is clustered with many things.  To declutter mind, start by prioritising and focusing on one thing at a time. Keep the daily to-do list in moderation – break down deliverables into subtasks and spread out timelines to be achieved one at a time. This helps in curbing unrealistic expectations and gives you time to focus.

Pomodoro technique

Since I started using the Pomodoro app, my ability to be more productive and focus has improved. The app simply works by setting the timer into 25 minutes intervals to get a specified work done, and within each interval, you take 5-minutes break. Using the Pomodoro technique app also allows you to temporarily disable other applications (like social media) for a specified period in order to reduce distractions.

Muting incoming calls

I got to know this through a friend whose calls never seem to go through. Apparently, what he had done was selectively mute incoming calls during busy hours except for some numbers whose calls were expected. However, when a message is sent, it would be received, leaving him with the option of calling back. To be honest, I found this helpful as it also helps in decluttering my mind.

 Focus on the set goals

Keeping it at the back of my mind that getting something done in a timely fashion leads to a sense fulfilment spurs me on to ignore distractions. So, when I know I should be working instead of Instagramming or chatting away, I remind myself of what would happen if fail to deliver.

Take time off

When I have so many things to do and start to feel overwhelmed and burnt out, I take some time off to retreat. I recommend going for a long walk, jogging and some needful sleep. After a little while, you’ll be ready to get back on track with a boosted energy level.

It’s a wonderful feeling when you effectively manage your time.

So, tell me, have you tried any of these before? or do you have more tips? Please share in the comment section.


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