There Is No Reason To Be Afraid Of The New Year

Woman looking forward to the new year

2020 taught me that life is not always clean cut or black and white, and you have to learn to shape shift through so many situations in order to grow. What a year it has been. Incidentally, it has also caused a lot of people to be afraid of the incoming year, to have actual fear in their hearts about the uncontrollable way things could go. It almost tricks your brain into thinking that there is no need to make plans or strategise because the wind could come blowing from any direction. That could not be farther from the truth though.

There is so much to look forward to in the coming year and fear will only dampen your positive outlook on it.

Here are my reasons why you should not have anything to be afraid of in 2021.

It can be a fresh start

There is always some magic that comes with a new year, like fresh spring water on a really hot day. There’s just this rejuvenating energy and 2021 will be no exception. Take it as an opportunity to find yourself and start again. Your business, school, finances, a new job, country or relationship. Every good thing that you really want to do can be done.

It can be a time for building on already laid foundations

For a lot of people, 2020 was the year they started new businesses, found their passion and tried out things that they had only ever dreamt of. But could not do because of the hectic pace of their normal lives. This led to full income streams and sustenance cultures. 2021 will be the time to build on what you have started.

Be strategic, work hard and stay consistent.

The worst is behind us. We hope

Unlike this year, we sort of know what we are getting into. Masks and vaccines may be our new normal, but at least we are not as confused and taken aback as we were when this year started. We can only do our best to stay socially distanced while doctors and scientists show us new ways to flatten the curve.

You’ve got this

Simple put, you are a badass. All of us are. We have had possibly the worst year of our lives and have come out stronger and more resilient. And this has nothing to do with what you have achieved or not achieved. It just means that you made it to the end and are constantly working on yourself. Keep working. Take care of your physical and mental health and take it one day at a time.

Cheers to an amazing 2021!




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