The Introverts Guide to Hosting Guests

Young black woman planning to host guests

Hosting is one of my favourite things to do, or maybe just the idea of it. I get excited and start planning how everything will go in my head and how perfect the day will be until the excitement dies. On the day I’m supposed to host, my social anxiety kicks in and I’m thinking of all the things that could go wrong. Maybe they won’t like the food or they’ll think I’m boring or everyone will be buried in their phones. Or maybe they just won’t like my house. *sigh* Before you know it, I want to call and cancel, but at that point, it’s too late.

If you’re part of a community or social circle, the day may come when you’re called upon to host a few people at your home. And if you’re like me and you like the idea but you seem to freeze on the actual day, then you might benefit from the tips below on things to bear in mind that will help you combat these feelings successfully. 😉

You’re not in competition with anyone

Remove the images of perfect looking dinner parties and gatherings you see on Pinterest or social media from your mind. You’re not competing with them or anyone for that matter. Yes, we like the phrase ‘host with the most’, but ‘most’ is relative, so make it your ‘most’. Give it your best and leave the rest. If your guests aren’t an ungrateful bunch, your best should be good enough for them.

Throw perfection out the window

Another thing to remove from your mind is the pressure to show a perfect home and life. It’s ok if there’s a patch on your wall where the paint is falling off. Or if your furniture is a bit worn out. And don’t wear yourself out trying to make sure the whole house is in order. Tidy up the areas your guests will make use of, like the living room, bathroom and maybe kitchen and leave the others for when you’re ready. 

Give yourself a break

If you’re a perfectionist or high achiever, you most likely have the tendency to be extremely hard on yourself. Avoid intense self-critique. Your guests will most likely not see any of the things you’re worrying about. Things will most likely go wrong and it’s totally fine. It doesn’t mean you’re a horrible, incompetent person, it just means something went wrong at the moment. Don’t wallow it in it. Take a deep breath and say ‘The world hasn’t come to an end.’ Lol.

Relax and make a decision to enjoy yourself

If you’re uptight or worried or constantly fussing in your head, your guests will pick up on it and it may set the tone for how the rest of the day or evening will go. Go with the flow and enjoy having people around. Leave your inhibitions in the bin for the next few hours(or maybe forever), be gracious and smile. You’ll be surprised that the evening will go way better than planned. And even if it doesn’t, learn from it, for the next time you host. 🙂

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