Five Things To Take Away From The Beyoncé Coachella Performance

Want to sustain public validation? Simple. Get creative. In interacting with you, most people want an unforgettable experience. Whether it is with work or a service you offer. This is what Beyonce has nailed.


I woke up a few days ago to #BeyChella hashtags on my timeline. It was a surprise because I had no clue Coachella was around the corner. So I decided to catch up by clicking on the hash tag on both Twitter and Instagram. Let’s just say I got schooled watching Beyoncé headline the annual music festival. The precision of the choreography, the vocals, the visuals, and the collaborations were more than an experience. I learned a good number of lessons, five of which I have decided are worth sharing with you. Here they are:

Talent Is Nothing Without Hard Work

Hard work is what makes talent shine. It is what makes talent memorable. It is what makes talent stand out among an army of other talented people. Beyoncé’s great talent was visible to those around her from a pretty young age.


But the greatness we celebrate today is the direct result of over three decades of intense hard work. So fam, whatever you find yourself doing, don’t be afraid to put in the work. This is how you stay winning. Put in the work!


Teamwork Is Beautiful

The good thing about hard work is that it does not have to be self sustaining. You can pull together the efforts of a network of people. This is one thing that stands out in Bey’s career and in her Coachella performance. From her band, choir, and dancers, to her tendency to draw inspiration from and pay homage to her predecessors and contemporaries across various art forms, she deploys team work into her seamless and efficient delivery. She used Chimamanda Adichie’s speech, gave us a Destiny’s Child reunion, did the dance with Solange, and gave us a deja vu experience with Jay Z, among other things, ALL IN ONE NIGHT!  This a great reminder of the importance of collaboration in pursuing and executing our visions. So maybe it is time to look around and find the resourcefulness of other people. You don’t have to sweat it all on your own. Put together your winning team.

Consistency Is Vital

The whole point of doing great work is to keep doing great work. At least that’s the way I see it. Consistency plays such a formidable role in any success story. From vocals to visuals and flawless execution in almost all her performances, Beyonce continues to show that she is in for the long haul. This is an important attitude to adopt towards your work and life in general. Always putting in your best and never resting on your oars is the key to consistent excellence. If most people were half as consistent, the world would be too beautiful for words.

Creativity Is Everything

Want to sustain public validation? Simple. Get creative. In interacting with you, most people want an unforgettable experience. Whether it is with work or a service you offer. This is what Beyonce has nailed. She creates and recreates well-known songs into fresh art, bringing something new to every performance. It’s easy to get used to doing things in a fixed way, over and over again. But it’s important to learn to use our creativity as much to improve our own lives as to refine the solutions we provide other people with.

Balance Is Key

This is especially true for us women. Special shout out to those who have to toggle motherhood and a thriving career. The key is to give priority to the aspect of life that demands it at every given time.  Think of Beyonce in this case. She knows how to put on a show. But she also knows how and when to take a break so that the rest of her life doesn’t suffer. Even though she worked through most of her pregnancy, she took time off to recover from the birth of the twins, and bond with her growing family, coming back to work stronger and better. No matter who you are or what you do, knowing when to slow down and feed the other parts of your life is very important.



The best part is that we can be all these things and still look glam! You don’t need a red carpet or a retinue of staff, but hey, take care of yourself. Work that body. Eat right. Dress fab. Stay wining and above all, celebrate yourself!!


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