Switching Careers, Switching Lives

Young woman thinking of a career switch

There are two types of people in this world: people that have had their lives figured out from the very beginning; I’m talking, career paths, college majors, college degrees, dream jobs etcetera. And they go on to achieve it exactly the way they dreamed it would happen, and at their perfect timeline, from when they were 10. And then there’s me, about to go into the adult world and feeling less than adequate. #Sigh.

I used to belong to Type A, very focused and clear about my decision to study medicine. As a child, my mom would point out the teaching hospital to me anytime we drove past it. Call it a conditioned response, but it really helped me develop the mindset to become a doctor. I did my best with that and envisioned a pretty straight forward life. Medical school, medical degree, internships, service year and basically just…..life. Until circumstances had me changing my views on a career path and it’s been a roller coaster.

So how do you switch paths from what you’ve always known to new unfamiliar territory?

Have genuine interest and motivation

And no, money shouldn’t be the only motivation. Lol. I know the tech and Fin-tech space look mighty nice and fat, and doctors may not earn as much. But pay may not come in right away. And you only get rewarded when you provide value. So, let one of your motivations be to provide value.


I read everything pertaining to the field I would like to transition to. It’s pretty different from what I’m used to, so I like to know what advances have been made there, how the market is and what qualifications and certifications I need to transition smoothly. What job and travel opportunities I could have, and what type of career longevity and growth is obtainable?

As much as you can grow and evolve in places, you don’t want to be doing a total 180° every couple of years. So, this is the part where you think it through with the backing of well-done research.

Take courses

A lot of times, you don’t need a fresh new degree to start a new career path. I’m looking at taking refresher and newbie courses in everything ranging from coding to business and management courses. Becoming a well-rounded individual is key to switching careers.

You never stop growing and learning so this is a key part of transition. These courses could be professional or semi-professional and may come with certifications.

Maybe get an extra add-in degree

You don’t have to do an undergraduate program all over again, but a top up degree could be great depending on your new field. A masters or post graduate diploma can work for that.

This is always a leverage and will help propel you faster in your chosen career.


People resources are definitely the absolute best. You get to meet like-minded people that can give you tips and tricks on this new journey. I plan to be as social as possible, joining groups and circles to aid my transition. You also get to know about new programs, opportunities and jobs through people.

So, if you’re thinking of it, then you should try it! I hope you’re happy with whatever you’re doing. Because the goal is to be content no matter what.

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