Struggling to Sleep? These Tips Will Help!

Develop a 'going to bed' routine. This pre-bedtime routine should include relaxation and soothing activities that prepare your mind and body for sleep.


In our previous post, we discussed the different types of sleep disorders in order to aid those affected identify which one they are dealing with. But it’s not all gloom and doom. Many sleeping disorders can be managed, and overall quality of sleep can be improved.

Granted, some sleep disorders may require a see a doctor, however, there are many others that can be improved without medical help.

So, What To Do?

The first step to overcoming a sleep problem is to identify and carefully track your symptoms and sleep patterns. After this, you should work towards improving your hygiene or practising good sleep habits. Poor sleep hygiene can lead to excessive sleepiness and insomnia. It can also worsen other causes of sleep disorders, resulting in poor sleep quality.

To give it more context, below are some tips that can better your sleep hygiene.

Wait, There’s More!

Some common medicines can cause excessive sleepiness or insomnia. Ask your doctor which medicines to avoid if you are having sleep problems.

Lifestyle and Habits

Worrying can lead to insomnia. Taking out time to plan and schedule your activities for the following day can help ease your worrying and allow you to sleep better.


Don’t just lie there if you can’t fall asleep. If still awake after 30 minutes, get out of bed and perform a soothing activity in soft lighting (reading, soft music, deep breathing).

All these sleep hygiene tips listed above, when practised regularly can help improve anyone’s quality of sleep. Some disorders may require further medical management if symptoms do not improve after implementing good sleep hygiene practices. In cases where a sleep disorder is a direct result of a medical problem such as depression or hormonal imbalance, treating the medical problem can help improve quality of sleep.

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