So You Want To Start A Podcast, What Next?

Woman recording her podcast

So, the whole world is starting a podcast, but you still want to start your own? Look, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact, if there’s anything the new social media app, Club House has taught us, it is that everybody can have a voice. So, on this podcast issue, the more, the merrier. Me sef, I’ve joined the wagon of podcasters o, as I started my own gig early last year titled the One Minute Podcast. I took the whole thing so seriously that I even created a community for podcasters on Telegram, ha. Anyway, I digress. Excuse my shameless plug, lol.

For those that would like to start a podcast but are unsure where to start, knowing the types of podcasts you can do will help guide you in the right direction. Check out few ideas below:

Interview style

This is an attention grabber because most people love to delve into the minds and experiences of certain personalities. Now, if the people you interview are well known in their industry, it will also create a lot of awareness for your podcast. If you decide to go this route, be sure to brush up on your interviewing skills. Knowing how to ask critical questions is key to audience engagement and success.


A great example of this is the Morgan Nichols show. She’s a poet and visual artist amongst other things, and she always starts each episode of her podcasts with a poem.  It creates a very artistic mood for creative listeners like me. Pretty cool huh? You could also decide to just read your poetry out and leave it at that.


I do a bit of this on the One Minute Podcast. In some episodes I share an experience I’ve had. This is storytelling but mainly your personal stories and life experiences. With this you could take an educational, inspirational or comedic route.


The most interesting storytelling podcasts are the ones with a variety of voices and sounds incorporated. It really gets your imagination going when you can hear things like footsteps, a door shutting or even a car engine when you’re listening to a podcast, depending on the story being told. Giving each character a distinct voice can spark the attention and interest of the listener as well. A podcast that does this well is Business Wars. It tells the stories of business and their competition in the most compelling way.

Do you guys have a favourite podcast? Which one of these styles does it use? Let us know in the comment section.  

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