So You Are Moving Halfway Across the world, What Next?

Lady about to move across the world

You have a major opportunity that not a lot of people across the world don’t have. Make it epic! Document as much as you can, especially your early stages.

There are a few things more scary and life changing than packing up your life and moving 6000 miles across the world. Especially when it’s to a place you have never been before. A place where you look nothing like the majority of the people around you.

As I watch someone close to me pack up her bags ready to move to the other side of the world, I realise it can be quite a daunting journey. And not all of us will get to experience it. But if you do get the opportunity to do so, it is up to you to make it as exciting and self fulfilling as possible.

Learn the language and the slangs

As small as this sounds, there can be a big barrier if you can not understand or be understood. Even when you are going to a place where a common language like English is spoken, it will still to you good to pick up slangs and patois of the place you are headed to.

Try language and translation apps.

You can always ask for help

People can be more welcoming than you think. Try to gauge your situations and surroundings and ask nicely for help or directions. It is a lot better than getting lost in a strange place.

Be your unique self

You should not try to be what you are not. It is the quickest way to be disliked. Don’t try to imitate an accent or be overly indulging as that may come off as annoying.

There’s nothing better than an authentic individual. Don’t try to force anything. Talk like your normal self and be you. It isn’t pretty to be the girl speaking with a British-American accent with a dash of Yoruba at the corner. It is a messy mix. Grow into the language and accents and don’t force anything. Wear your Ankara clothes and don’t feel like you need to be pressured to automatically fit in.

Make friends

That’s one of the main points of traveling half way across the world, isn’t it? To meet new people and experience things their way. Be open to learning about people and their stories while at the same time being cautious.

Make it an adventure

You have a major opportunity that not a lot of people across the world don’t have. Make it epic! Document as much as you can, especially your early stages. Write a journal, start a podcast, make videos. It’s up to you if you want to put it up on social media or not. Just make sure to have those moment on record so that you can always look back at them and see how far you have come.

All in all, enjoy your experience, savor the people and surroundings and try to live your absolute best life!

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