Easy Ways to Save Time in the Kitchen

For those who can’t outsource their food needs to a chef, here are some tips on saving time in the kitchen.

Isn’t it cool how some people just love cooking and don’t mind spending hours in the kitchen? Yeah, but we know most people aren’t like that. Most of us just want to do the necessary and have good food, because it’s 2018 and we have busy lives—male or female, single or married.

Yet, eating remains essential, so for those who can’t outsource their food needs to a chef, here are some tips on saving time in the kitchen.

  1. Be Organised

Seriously! I find it so much easier to cook when I’ve taken 5-10 minutes to first make a list, arranged the kitchen with utensils in the right places, and I know exactly what I want to do. So, even when going shopping, don’t just wander through the aisles of the (super)market hoping you’ll remember the things you need. Go with a list on your phone or paper; it’ll save you time and energy. The same applies to the actual cooking, especially when you have more than one dish in mind. Have a plan. Do I boil meat while blending pepper? Should I dice vegetables while the pepper is boiling? Knowing exactly what to do will save you time and the trouble of feeling frustrated because there are too many things to do.

  1. Have Essentials

Imagine putting rice on the cooker then realizing you’re out of salt! *Tears* Whenever you go grocery shopping, the top of your list should list your essential spices, oils and other ingredients. We all know those things we absolutely need in the kitchen, from pans to knives and spoons. Have them all. Even if you’ve just moved into a new apartment, your kitchen is probably the next place you should set up after your bedroom. Keep a puree or paste of tomato, onions, garlic and green chilies stored in a jar, this could be used for most of the base of vegetables.

  1. Meal Prep

Unless you absolutely love cooking often, you may want to think ‘volume’ when you’re cooking. Yes, PHCN may not be so regular, but if you have good electricity supply, cook for days or weeks ahead. I always buy enough meat to last the month, for example. Same goes for pepper. Those essentials stay in the freezer and can be ready in minutes when I need them. Most people don’t like meal prepping because they feel they’ll get tired of eating the same meal for days in a row. That’s why you can cook several dishes and store them.

  1. Google

Doesn’t the internet make you feel like an expert in many things without really being one? I don’t even start cooking before I’ve looked up recipes. Thank heavens for Nigerian blogs/channels like SisiYemmie and KitchenButterfly that provide proper and amazing Naija recipes so people like me can make whatever dishes they want.

  1. Order

While ordering food may be too expensive to make a constant, you may want to try it those days/weeks when you’re too busy. Another way to save time and energy without breaking the bank is to order your ingredients online and have them delivered to you. Those are usually very close to market rates, and they save you a trip under the sun.

Here are other tips for having a more productive life!

So, these are our tips for saving time (and energy) in the kitchen whether you like to cook or not. What are yours? Tell us that kitchen equipment or cooking tip that’s your go-to.


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