Reading Changed My Life – It Can Change Yours Too

A poorly written book to you may be what someone else needed. This is where reading the right book for you and books for your season comes in

Happy woman reading a book


I just started watching Game of Thrones for the first time. (Yeah, there are some of us who just caught the bug). In season one, Tyrion Lannister said something that really caught my attention. The conversation went something like this:

Jon Snow: Why do you read so much? Is this a trick?

Tyrion Lannister: …My brother has a sword and I have my mind. And the mind needs books like the sword needs a whetstone. That is why I read so much, Jon Snow.

When people say they don’t like reading

I have met people who proudly say they don’t read’. And I often imagine that it is either as a result of faulty learning system or as a result of poorly written books. But the truth is, a poorly written book to you may be what someone else needed. This is where the right book for you and books for your season comes in – this is a story for another day.

 Not merely a hobby

Many of us grew up off-handedly saying that reading is our hobby. A typical scenario goes like this:

Question: What are your hobbies

Answer: Reading, Singing, Writing and Dancing

Holla if you know what I mean!

I’m not saying reading shouldn’t be categorised as an interest. What I mean is that it is not an activity you slot in your spare time, it is what should be in your to-do lists and schedules.

I am yet to meet a successful person who does not read. Go ahead, name them. Only if we know how much the people we admire do read.

I have learnt a lot from good books, and I have seen and heard of people whose lives exemplify the benefits of reading.  I was reminded of this when I read ‘Becoming’ by Michelle Obama. In that book, Michelle wrote about how Barack Obama would stay up late to read and how those books prepared him for his presidential victory, even before he knew he would become the president.

When I don’t feel like reading – I mean those books that offer barely any form of entertainment nor serve as a form of relaxation, I remind myself why I need to read this book and what the consequences would be if the situation is not dealt with.


Always very helpful

This year alone, I have read books that have helped me deal with issues at work and at home. I have read books that challenged self-limiting perspectives and orientations. And I have read books that have saved me relationships, gotten me business deals, as well as books that have improved my writing style.

The truth is, the right books can:


In conclusion

If you have complained, lamented or have questions, there is a book for you to read. And when you don’t feel like it, remind yourself why you need to.


My new goal is to catch up on all the GOT seasons up to season 8 by the end of this month! Who is with me on this one? I also hear that the book version, like they say, is more interesting than the series. Which would you rather – the book or the movie?



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