On Freedom, Growth and Adulthood

Woman thinking about life and adulthood

Since when I was a teenager, all I wanted to do was to get out there in the world, make an impact, be free to make my decisions and become financially independent. I think many of us wanted the same thing too.

But in the age of social media, staying woke and slaying till you drop, things can get out of hand very quickly. We often think we’re way behind our friends as the pressure to blow becomes more intense. In the process of becoming a more matured human, I learned a few things about becoming an adult.

Have a support group

Now this is like the AA meetings you see in movies but with a lot more fun people, those you know that push you to be better. You can share your ideas with them without being judged.Your support group should be your trusted friends, a mentor or two

Start a business or join one

If you have a business idea, research and go for it or probably you’re not an entrepreneur or the 9 to 5 is for you and you feel there are already too many small businesses. That’s okay, try getting internship(s) in your field of interest, something concerned with the career you’re aiming for. Your goal is to be very informed about everything concerning the job you want.

Have a side hustle

The main benefit of having a side hustle is to get funds to either run your new business or to keep afloat while searching for a dream job.

Step out of your comfort zone

As they say, your comfort zone is fine and good but nothing grows there. Too comfortable almost always equals stagnancy, there’s room for little growth. Try getting out there, trying something new, you might fail but the amazing thing is you might win too.

Trust the timing of your life

Your life is simply yours, not someone else’s. Things might be slow at times but that’s okay. Love your journey and resist the urge to compare your achievements with other people, that’s a black tunnel with no light at the end of it. Own your journey and trust that your hard work will pay off.

In the end, the journey to adulthood is hard but it’s also enjoyable. Don’t feel too bad when you put one foot wrong. It’s like being a baby all over again, learning to walk. You take one or two steps, you fall, stand up again and continue.Until you finally get it.

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