Not Feeling This Detty December? That’s Okay

Woman feeling downcast before Christmas

Christmas is literally in our faces. The decorations, fireworks and parte after parte. It is like people literally could not wait for the actual last month of the year to begin their celebration. Well, it’s okay to not feel so… festive. It’s okay if Christmas reminds you that you did not strike out all your goals this year. You do not have to feel like you should look and act joyful even if you actually are not.

There are expectations set by society for every point in time, every season, every second. But maybe you don’t feel like there’s a lot that you got to round up this year. There’s no need trying to pretend like it’s all fine and dandy for you. Part of caring for your mental health involves admitting to yourself when things aren’t so rosy.

So if you find you are not particularly feeling Christmassy, here are some ideas that might help.

Take Time for You

There’s all the celebration, festivities and catching up going on this month. They’ll be friends talking on end about themselves, their great jobs and all they have going on for them. You can take a break from all that and have a more mellow, more personal holiday. This will be great for headspace and personal evaluations. And you deserve that.

Buy Yourself a Gift

If there’s something you have been wanting, big or small, now is the time to get it. Order it as you would and you could even have a cute not attached. It’s a great form of self-care and you’ll feel really really good about it when a package shows up at your doorstep.

Write Things Down

I have found that writing helps me get through the lowest points in life and through the moments that seem the hardest. Writing also helps you travel through a makeshift time machine. You’re able to go back to whatever you wrote at that time and know that you’re not at the same place you were before. That you’re much better and will continue to improve.

Avoid Negativity

Negative thoughts. Negative people and negative spaces. As human beings, we exchange energy. So try to always be in places that are not going to be draining your energy. Even if it means avoiding that nosy aunt that’ll ask you why you’re yet to get married. Or the uncle that keeps saying you need a better job. Surround yourself with positive company. You don’t have to sit through hours of dinner with people that are toxic.

And I hope you have a more heartfelt, meaningful holiday. That means something to you and not just to society. Merry Christmas.

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