New to Skin Care, Here’s What You Should Know

Black woman with beautiful glowing skin

Hear me out ladies, I am not a beauty expert but adopting a skincare routine makes me feel like I just struck gold. People who see me think that I have relatively good skin, but as the owner of my face, I can tell you for sure that isn’t the case. See I have different types of acne, from the small whiteheads to those big painful ones. Shout out to everyone who has experienced these at different points.

For context, my previous skincare routine was the regular soap on my face. After all, as long as it is clean, what else do you need. Anyway, if you are a JJC and wondering what skin care is or what the hype is all about, see below the simple-enough routine that changed my life.

You can pick up any of these products from the closest grocery store or order online. Pretty straightforward.

My morning routine goes in this order

  1. Wash my face
  2. Use a toner
  3. Moisturize because we are not here to look ashy
  4. Then, queen of all things, sunscreen!

Evening Routine

  1. Wash my face
  2. Use a repair night oil


  1. Water. It can sometimes get boring so slice up some fruits into your favourite bottle and drink up!

Wait, there’s more

Sis, even after you do everything, you still need a little touch up to keep your glow up. What I mean is, a simple make up routine, beginning with a primer. Quick story, before now, I’d use Milk of Magnesia as a primer. Don’t laugh! We all went through this phase.

Now I use a more effective brand. They don’t hold as long as Milk of Magnesia (I mean MoM stays on for a full year if you choose not to wash your face. That can’t be right) but my skin feels a lot better.

After the primer lightly pasted, you also need:

This is pretty much how I get my skincare and beauty routine going on a daily and my skin is 100% working for me even without makeup.

If you think all this is too much, I don’t know what to tell you o. Some people have a 30-step skincare routine that works for them but I really hope it doesn’t come to that for me or any busy executive.

What is your skincare routine? Please share in the comment section. 🙂

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