Does Your Partner Speak Your Love Language?

The importance of communication in relationships are not likely to end anytime soon, especially as it relates to speaking the love language of your partner.

Imagine two people each speaking their  native language excitedly to each other without either person understanding the other. That’s what my mum would call a conversation of the deaf. The scenario is ironic because conversations about the importance of communication in relationships are not likely to end anytime soon, especially as it relates to speaking the love language of your partner. Even the most compatible couples quickly run into trouble when they fail to communicate properly. After all, language exists for a reason.

Yet, despite our understanding of the importance of communication, far too many of us fail to communicate properly in our relationships. It gets even more hilarious (and sometimes sad) when it comes to your partner’s love language and affection in romantic relationships.

Knowing how common this is, we thought to compile a short list of awkward scenes that crop up when two lovers each speak a different love language.

Acts of Service vs Quality Time

Barely 30 minutes after sitting down, you hear your partner say things like: ‘Am I disturbing you?’ ‘You can’t even help me. You’ll just come and sit here for hours!’ Think about it, you exhaust yourself cooking and cleaning for him, and all he wants is quality time. Tears.

Gifts vs Quality Time

You go broke buying thoughtful gifts for your partner, yet all he/she wants is four hours of your time. Wahala.

Gifts vs Physical Touch

You may find yourself wondering why your partner is trying to buy you stuff when all you need is someone to hold you. On the other hand, your partner may wonder why you lean towards a lot of body contact when he is ready to pay your trip around the world. Frustrating!

Physical Touch vs Words of Affirmation

‘You want me only for my body. You don’t love me.’ ‘You say you love me, but you don’t show me any affection.’ Scenes and complaints when an affirmer meets a toucher. Sad!

Words of Affirmation vs Gifts

Ever heard the phrase ‘na love I go chop?’ Especially when you are big on verbally sharing how you feel. The frustration is real when one party wants sweet words and the other just wants tangible tokens of affection.

These scenarios may be funny to observers, but they point to the importance of communication in relationships. It is important to understand where the other person is coming from, what speaks to them most and then, find a way to reach a middle ground.

Now tell us please, what’s your love language?

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