Kitchen Hacks For Those Who Don’t Like Cooking

Image of chef tired of cooking

See ehn, I’m not one of those women who sing with joy when in the kitchen. I don’t have elaborate lists and recipes, and I certainly do not think culinary expertise adds any virtue to me as a woman. In other words, I don’t like cooking. Lool. Of course, I can cook, and I do cook, as any normal adult should be able to. But it was important to me that whoever I got married to could well. Otherwise, the hunger and starvation would be too real o. I say all this to tell you the plain truth, the kitchen is not a cool hangout spot for me. Still, I believe that if I must be in the kitchen, and use it, and feed myself in order to stay alive, then I might as well be sure I have the right gadgets that ease up the experience. Some of these will sound basic to those of you who are caterers, lol. But in my mind, they keep me woke and make cooking less of a hassle.

Coffee maker

If you’re not a coffee lover, you can skip this. No, actually, if you are not a coffee lover, you should be. Girl! You are missing! (Maybe it’s the caffeine rush that has gotten the best of me.) Anyway, coffee makers are one of the next best things since sliced bread for me. I look forward to my coffee in the mornings much more now. And yes, it tastes way better than just pouring hot water in. You can get simple affordable ones from popular online stores.

Potato peeler

My mum was very skilled with her knife, from potatoes to oranges.  But me? I’m not about that stress. Also, there’s quite nothing like a good ol’ potato peeler. With it, you’re not in danger of slicing into your finger and it’s a much quicker process. Also, with a potato peeler, you peel off the skin mostly, whereas with a knife there’s a possibility of you taking slices of potato along.

Egg mould

Ever attempted to fry an egg in a perfect circle and found yourself continually failing at it? I know the feeling. I always end up with ‘I go manage am like that, who needs perfection anyway?’ Lol. With an egg mould, you can place two or three in a frying pan, depending on the size of the frying pan, crack your eggs in and allow them form the perfect circle. This way you can fry multiple eggs separately. #aesthethicthings.

Sandwich maker

This was certainly not a thing in our kitchen growing up. My mum would still rather ‘fry’ her bread, than use a sandwich maker or even a toaster. 🙂 My favourite sandwich to make with this is a ham and cheese sandwich, but you can use all sorts of fillers, depending on the size of the sandwich maker. Some may not shut if they’re too full.

Knife holder

I find myself overly cautious around knives in the kitchen, especially when they’re placed in the rack with the cutting edge up, pet peeve. Even when they’re placed properly, I’d still rather not see the sharp edges handing around. Knife holders are definitely a hit for me.

It’s your turn to share the love. What kitchen tools do you enjoy now that you didn’t have growing up?

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