How To Keep A Clean House Without Breaking Your Back

The idea is to do whatever you can to enjoy the bliss of a clean house because between work and other commitments, your house shouldn’t be adding to your stress.

With so many activities competing for your energy in the crazy pace of modern living, time and money aren’t the only major scarce resources. The world is moving from time management to energy management – when they’re not one and the same thing. While housekeeping is quite desirable and even necessary, keeping your energy level up is just as important.

Here are a few ways to keep your house clean without compromising your wellbeing:

–           Get Your Home Organised

Even if you’re one of those people who insist that there’s order in their disorder and a method to their madness, the saying, “A place for everything and everything in its place”, is true. Putting things in their place takes a huge load off when it’s time to clean, as it’s much easier to move things around and clean without the extra chore of tidying up.

Too many chores, too little time.

–           De-Clutter Regularly

Lose the things you don’t need (We can hear the minimalists singing for joy.). No matter how organised you are, it’s going to be pretty difficult to keep things tidy if you’re also a pack rat. It’s a good idea to go through your stuff from time to time and give away things you haven’t used in over six months to a year. You get the added gift of putting smiles on a few faces.

–           Have a Routine/Timetable

Don’t try to take on everything at once: tackle a few chores at a time. You can create a timetable of all the housekeeping to be done. For instance, clean your fridge and wash your dish rack one day, and tackle cobwebs and dusty furniture another. If you follow the routine, you will find that the chores stop piling up to an overwhelming degree. Unless it’s the Harmattan season, in which case, we will cry with you shortly.

–           Invest in Energy-Saving Devices

Unless you simply can’t afford them or you’ve made a vow of asceticism, please do yourself a favour and invest in all the energy saving devices you can think of: vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, washing machines, the whole works! They exist for your convenience and you don’t have to listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.

–           Outsource

When all is said and done, you want a clean house, not a degree in cleaning services. You really don’t have to do it all yourself, so outsource what housekeeping you can. There are many formal and informal  agencies with respectable cleaners who can do your cleaning as often as you need.

The idea is to do whatever you can to enjoy the bliss of a clean house without breaking your back, literally or figuratively. Between work and other commitments, your house shouldn’t be adding to your stress. Learn more about how your Self Care is good for your family here.

What are your go-to tips for a clean house, stress-free? We would love to hear from you.

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