I Cut My Hair and It Changed My Life

I miss my texturised long hair sometimes.  This means sometimes I wonder if cutting the hair was the right choice. However, I  have learnt that it is okay to change your mind,

Image of lady with hair cut


“CUT IT!!” These were the words that flew out of my mouth as I instructed my stylist on the 2nd of February to take off my hair. After five years of planning, contemplation, decision making, ‘bracing up’ and tears,  I finally got myself to sit still and allow myself the anticipation of getting the hair finally off.

This year I promised myself to do everything that scares me and be afraid afterwards. My mantra for the year: Do it and be scared after. Interestingly, cutting my hair fell into that category.

After the deed was done, I took one look in the mirror and loved it.  There was no point for the fear,  prayers, or anxiety.

This life-changing decision has taught me five things I would love to share:

Just do it!

Cutting hair may not be considered a big deal for some people but for me who spent five years thinking about it, it was. I’m in love with my short hair now and how sophisticated I look even when I underdress. I have always been a writer but never have I thought my articles were worth publishing until I cut my hair.  I decided to “Just Do It”, sent my articles to some blogs and websites and voila you are reading this.

I have always wanted to help young girls in various areas but never really knew how to start or where to start from until “Short Hair” happened.  Most times we feel a certain fear because of uncertainties- what if it doesn’t work out, what if I fail, what if I don’t get my desired results? These questions stop us from attaining greatness, from being the best we could be. My take is this, do it anyway. Just. Do. It!

What You Don’t Work For, You Don’t Get

The beauty and pain with short hair is that you don’t have to always go to the salon, but you do have to wake up every other day to straighten your hair. (If your hair is like mine, you have to wake every day to put a bit of heat). This rigorous and tiring process has taught me that there’s no magic or short-cut to having what you want than working (hard) for it. If you want to look good or your hair to be on point, you have to put in the work of styling and heating, where necessary.  If you want success; born the late night candles. Financial freedom; cut down the excesses on frivolous expenses. etc.


Mistakes Happen

I miss my texturised long hair sometimes.  This means sometimes I wonder if cutting the hair was the right choice. However, I  have learnt that it is okay to change your mind, or make mistakes. It’s okay to try and fail or try and not like something. Don’t focus on the error. Make lemonades from the lemons you created (laughs). It is easy for men to change their perception or affection in a split second. But hard for we women to do same. We get stuck thinking that we can’t just decide this isn’t working and move on or look for alternative ways to making it better.

We need to begin to teach ourselves to believe that mistakes are inevitable that way we don’t limit what we can be or do. Experiment, fail, have a good laugh and then start over with something else.

Look Within

Some days I can’t be bothered to curl, tongue or straighten the hair as the stress of life hits. This has taught me to draw confidence from within, to profess greatness even when I look like Amadioha’s servant (laughs). I have learnt confidence and self-belief because regardless of what I look like, I am beautiful, smart and intelligent. Therefore, confidence doesn’t come from the clothes, the shoes, the bags, the cars or my hair. Although they are all good things to have. It should be built from within, the belief in what you are, the fact that you are worthy and what value you can deliver.

Do you have short hair? What is one life lesson short hair has taught you – share in the comments below.

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