How To Spend Your Social Media Break

Young woman taking a social media break to read

If you are anything like me, then you have probably missed a date, a deadline or some important priority because of social media distractions. Whew! Can’t count the number of times I have simply wanted to go off social media. I believe many other people would appreciate a social media break of some sort.

Again, if you are anything like me, you have probably started a social media break only to cut it short halfway. You know how it is, you get bored so you redownload the apps. It’s interesting because I do wonder sometimes, what we used to do before social media. What’s more interesting is, I find myself searching for these memories which have become somewhat vague. As great as social media is, there is a huge chunk of life outside it. Life that should be embraced and enjoyed. So here are some things you can do if you’re on a social media break.

Read a book

Assuming you already read books, this is an opportunity to read many more books, with fewer distractions. 

Listen to podcasts that will impact you positively

There is an abundance of podcasts out there, addressing so many topics and so many areas. Choose one and be inspired.


You can find a faith-based organisation or an NGO to volunteer with. They are always grateful for the extra help and it’s a good opportunity to do something outside yourself which should leave you more fulfilled.

Study an online course

Disclaimer: As long as you don’t get pulled into Facebook in the process 🙂 This is the era of self-improvement and there are many free resources online that teach new skills and give you a chance to explore new subject areas.

Learn a new craft/Start a new hobby

There are many things you can learn with this newfound time you have. You can pick up an inexpensive hobby, maybe learn a new language using an app or learn how to knit. The list is endless.  

Start a new project

It may be something as simple as rearranging or redecorating your house. But this is the time to look around at things you’ve always said you don’t have time to do and do them. 

Be present

Inasmuch as some may beg to differ, social media does have a lot of us looking at our phones a lot. So this is an opportunity to be more present. Take in your surroundings and really focus on the people around you.


You’d be surprised how rested you would feel if you used the time you spend scrolling to sleep or rest. As much as scrolling may seem like a mindless thing, it involves us consuming a lot of content which is still working our brain and emotions.

I believe, these are things one should still be involved in even when you’re back on social media. Hopefully, being on a break from social media will help instil the discipline to make these new activities a lifestyle, which should then be easier to keep up even when you’re back on social media.

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