How To Get The Best Out Of Skin Care Products

These days, there’s so much noise being made about skin care products that it can be hard to choose correctly. Yes, our skin is the part people see and we want to keep it healthy and looking good, but we must be smart in our quest for good skin. There are so many products in stores or even being pushed online, so how do you ensure you pick what’s good for you and not what’s good for the Blogger on your timeline?

We thought we’d share a few tips to help you.

  1. Pick By Skin Type

Every skin is different and requires care that is specific to it. Dermatologists and specialists often design skin care products keeping in mind individual skin type, hormones, secretions and even the environment in which you live. So, for example, what works for your friend with oily skin may dry out your own skin too much and end up causing issues. Or what works for someone living in a cold region may end up being insufficient for another in Nigeria. When you’re shopping for a product, try to note what skin type it is for and pick according to your type.

  1. Check The Ingredients

You should only use clinically tested and approved skin care products on your skin. Please avoid using a mix just because someone on Instagram or Snapchat claims it’ll work wonders for your skin. All those shortcuts often lead to long-term damage because you can’t be sure of what ingredients they’ve used.

Even on approved and popular products, always check the ingredients listed to make sure there aren’t any harsh chemicals or any ingredients that you personally react to. Always try to pick products with mostly natural ingredients. 

  1. Do A Test Run

Before you buy big tubes of any product, test it first. If it’s a makeup product, test it on a part of your skin to know if it suits your skin tone. If it’s a cleanser, moisturizer or other product, buy the smallest size and use for a while first to make sure you don’t react to it and to see if it actually works well on your skin.

Avoid using any product that causes your skin to burn, itch or breakout. That’s not really ‘care’.

  1. Be Consistent

Let’s face it, sometimes we approach skincare products like they’re magic. They’re not. It takes weeks to see consistent changes with most products. So, it’s advisable to stick to it for a few weeks (if there are no side effects) and truly notice how it works on your skin.

In the end, if a product is not working for you, even after you’ve carefully followed a particular regimen, then you may need to get another recommendation. You can always see a dermatologist to truly know your skin type and what works best for it.

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