Five Things To Do Before The Year Runs Out

Woman running to catch up with her plans for the year

If someone met you on the 1st of January 2020 and asked you to give possible scenarios on how this year would turn out, how many scenarios would you give before you came to this actual reality that we are living?

Think about it: That the world shut down barely three months into the year. That people stayed home, airline and travel companies were on halt, and that even three months to the end, things aren’t back to normal and we still haven’t figured it all out.

I, for one, know it’ll probably take me about a few thousand tries and some hints to go in that direction. #Sigh. Yet, here we are o.

And I know it’s been the same for a lot of people. Things are still uncertain so, you might still feel down and unable to move forward or make concrete plans.

This is me telling you that there are still things to do to make your year end in a solid note, and to prepare for the coming year(s). I listed a few below:

Have a Forward Thinking Mindset. Let Go of the Past. Set Goals

Here’s a challenge: focus on the future. Just because you did not go on that trip or work conference does not mean your career is over. Because you didn’t get the job or got laid off doesn’t mean you don’t have other opportunities ahead.

This last few months of 2020, do a lot of soul searching and forward thinking. Envision your life down to the process and details. And if 2020 has taught us anything, be flexible with those plans. Make it foolproof. And make it work.

Go For All Your Health Checks

Now more than ever, we are aware of the frailty of the human body. But asides the flu and virus, we should not neglect all the tests and screenings that we should undergo as women. Breast checks, screening for cervical cancer and all the rest of them.

Get Your Physical Health in Check

You don’t have to wait for something to break before you fix it. Physical exercise has almost zero negative effects. In fact, making it a habit is setting yourself up for a great life free of lethargy and health problems. This includes your diet and mental health. Your mind won’t function properly if your body isn’t doing well. If your constantly tired. And vice versa.

So, get back into it, lose the baby weight, feel like your best possible self. And look like it too.

Get Your Money Management in Check

No matter how little or large you’re earning, you should learn to make your money work for you.

Save, invest, put a down payment for something. Diversify, add new sources of income, charge more for the value you are offering. I believe in you.

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