Dear FitFam Family, Please Build A Healthy Relationship With Food

Don’t get me wrong, the fitfam lifestyle is a great movement. But constantly obsessing over food is problematic. (Except your occupation is in the food industry) If care is not taken, one may swing from binging to starvation, and ultimately risk getting a food disorder. 


The fitfam food movement in Nigeria has grown incredibly these past few years. Almost every corner you look, you will find a smoothie bar. And every other month, you will find a #Whole30 or #EatCleanTrainDirty hashtag trending on Instagram or Twitter. Don’t get me wrong, the fitfam lifestyle is a great movement. But constantly obsessing over food is problematic. (Except your occupation is in the food industry). If care is not taken, one may swing from binging to starvation, and ultimately risk getting a food disorder. 

You can tell you are tilting towards an unhealthy relationship with food when you constantly worry about calories. Or you are trying one fad diet after another and feeling guilty for eating treats or unplanned meals. You can also tell when you begin to avoid foods you enjoy because you can’t stop when you have one bite. You also have an unhealthy relationship with food if you do a lot of mindless eating. Paying no attention at all to what you put in your body means you are more likely to eat too much of the wrong stuff.

We may not realise this, but many of us fitfam enthusiasts have developed a dysfunctional relationship with food – giving it too much or too little importance. Some eat just to satisfy hunger without really enjoying or even tasting the food. Some others enjoy food a little too much and even use it to deal with emotions.

Neither of these two extremes is a healthy approach to food. If I had to advise my fitfam family about food, I would tell them to handle food like raising a child: Carefully, not fearfully. And because I want what’s best for you, here are four tips to help!

Be Present 

Slow down and center yourself. Look at your food, smell it and taste it. Enjoy the texture and flavour in every slow bite until you are full. Eat and live consciously.

Be Firm

You know you want a healthy lifestyle, so plan a healthy menu of enjoyable meals that includes EVERYTHING, but in moderation. Plan your portions too, then put your fork down once you are full. 

Be Fun

You are supposed to eat healthy and enjoy your food. So switch things up from time to time and try new things. Learn new recipes, try new and interesting snacks. You have planned, now live freely.

Be Kind 

Stop punishing yourself for the extra biscuits you ate last night. It’s okay to have a treat every now and then. If you veer off-course on your journey, give yourself another treat and then, start afresh.


Lastly, focus on building a diet around all the nourishing foods you like. Then add occasional treats according to your taste. The idea is for you to give your body its best fuel for optimal functioning, while removing any feeling of deprivation.


Live your best life knowing that food is not the enemy.


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