Finding Love and Adapting to Long Distance Relationships

Young woman happy in a long distance relationship

Love conquers all, right? It overcomes time and distance. It can survive anything? Truth is, I’m not always so sure. I’ve seen couples embark on long-distance relationships and though I respected their choice, I didn’t think it was for me.

It looked like too much work, scheduled calls and all that, given the time difference. I liked my space but that felt like too much space. In my mind, it was oil and I was water, I didn’t see a mix happening anytime soon.

As it turns out, the universe was laughing in the corner(In mocking, sarcastic like tones. )When restrictions of movement were made and we had to manage our lives in ways we never thought we would have to face before, I was thrust into a long-distance relationship by default.

That’s was when I understood that it was a different kettle of fish when you are involved in one, especially if you’ve always seen it as hard stuff. This sister was at her wit’s end by week two.

Here are a few things I had to overcome.

Nothing to Talk About

You know when it’s starting to feel like you’ve talked about everything under the sun and now the convo is veering to stale waters with boring talk about the weather. We both took to trading book titles, series and poking fun at the characters afterwards as another resort. It was a stroke of luck as with unending supply of art, we’re yet to run out of things to talk about.


You said one thing and I heard another; it’s really easy to misread things when you’ve been apart for a while and have started to overthink minor things. Patience, which I didn’t have in abundance was key here. When those misunderstandings happen, it helps to ask for clarity and talk it out.

Feeling Insecure

Having moments of insecurity is normal for everyone. Don’t just let it rile you up when you have nothing to worry about, you’re the only one that validates yourself and that shouldn’t change

No Date Nights

Since physical date nights were out of the picture, we took to having virtual ones. Despite it not being quite like the latter, it still turned out great in the relationship. The newness of the whole thing made it exciting plus fancy dressing up was just an additional perk.

It shouldn’t be too hard to find a way to keep the spark alive and the embers burning if you feel you have something worth fighting for. In the end, though, making things work even in long-distance is based on both partners putting in efforts because really, as to tango, to love it also takes two. 

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