Feeling Tired? Why Not Address The Root Cause?

Woman feeling tired at work

“My tired is tired.” This is a common phrase we have all said. I say it a lot too at points where I do not know what to do with myself or how to take the next step. I ask my friends often enough how they are and they reply, “Shade, I am tired.”

Understandably, this year has been a roller coaster, so many merry go rounds, stops, and uncontrolled speed. Our tired is tired. At face value, it is easy to laugh it off and say we will be fine. 

But what exactly are we tired of? What is causing this constant fatigue? If we listen more to conversations, channel empathy, ask more questions, reveal more, and search within ourselves, I feel that we will be able to get to the root cause of our tiredness and give ourselves the rest it needs or search for specific solutions.

For instance, are you tired because your bones hurt? Because your heart hurts or because your mind has taken too much from work and life stress?

Knowing the answers to these differences can help you get to where you need to find rest (solutions)

Here is a list of some types of tired and how to get rest.

Creative Tired

You have been working extra hard at the office, coming up with an endless stream of ideas. Your creative juices are low and you are burnt out. The result is that you no longer have a pipe of creative solutions to offer. It may be helpful, depending on how flexible your time is, to take a break for a day or two. Step away from the monotony. Do something a bit off routine. Take long walks in nature (or whatever alternative Lagos affords you). The most important thing is that you leave the work and return to it.

Financial Tired

I have been there, struggling to get the things you want/need while working within a tight budget. Everybody says to plan, but sometimes your budget simply does not fit. What helps me is the understanding that life has seasons. Sure, you are currently having money stress now. But that doesn’t mean things have to stay that way. Rather than sweat over what you can afford right now, why not sweat over a career or job switch, or a possible second income. That way, the stress will yield its own pay off.

Social Tired

This can come in the form of people or social media interaction. It is easy to get sucked in from one social gathering to another or the virtual space. Find time to unplug, secure your personal space, and reconnect with yourself.

Emotional Tired

Going through a breakup? Dealing with the problems that can come from relationships? This is a reminder that you should look out for yourself, make peace where necessary, and deal with the ache in your heart. 

Mental Health: Depression exists and it is very potent. You become so overwhelmed and anxious that you are unable to concentrate. Identify your triggers, seek help, and run to your safe space. 

Finally, remember, you are human. Tiredness is normal, but invest in your rest sis. Calibrate, recharge, and come out refreshed. 

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