Embrace Your Age, Embrace Your Life!

Woman happy and content about her age

Time happens fast: One minute you are leaving the University and hunting for a job, and the next you are plucking out grey hairs and dealing with joint pains. My sister is almost ten years older than me and I remember being in my teen years when she started attending her friend’s bridal showers and then, their baby showers. It seems like I blinked and now I’m the age bracket where I am the one attending my friends bridal and baby showers.

But the thing with time and getting older is that it comes with many anxieties. Sometimes, we ladies are obsessed with holding on to our youth that we miss out on the wealth of growing up. Regardless of these anxieties, time and age are things to be enjoyed. You can celebrate yourself as you age because every stage of life makes a statement about where you are coming from and where you are going to.

Here are some tips to help you tackle the anxieties that come with age.

Enjoy every season in your life

We’re always looking to the next season. When you’re done with University, there’s the pressure to get a job and be financially independent. Then the ‘when are we coming to eat rice? (basically when are you getting married?) questions follow, and after that, the womb watchers come. People are constantly waiting to see your next season, and if you are not careful you could skip enjoying the present moments.

So basically, embrace and enjoy where you are currently: your age, job, environment, friends. Take in every detail. So that when you do get to middle age, you’ll have no regrets and will continue enjoying that season as you’ve done over time.

Travel/Explore/Discover new things

Many women say life begins at 40. I think many go through their 20s and 30s and see their 40’s like the beginning of slowly winding down, only to get there and discover there is still so much to learn and discover. There is still so much to discover about yourself, your spouse and children(if you have a family) and just life in general. I know older ladies who have gone back to school or started new projects, took up a new hobby etc, which brings me to my next point.

It’s never too late

Your life doesn’t end…until it ends. Actress Dorothy Steel started acting at age 88 and got a role in Black Panther at the age of 92 when most would have retired to knitting on a rocking chair. Many women are afraid of getting older because they think they are running out of time. Some people view the age like a curtain that closes on things they can do or achieve. However, if there are any limits, we are the ones that put them on. It’s never too late to the things we truly desire to do if we set our minds to it.

Remember, ultimately, it’s about living a life with no regrets so that you’re not always looking back and wishing you did more. 

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