Don’t Call Your Ex! Seriously, Don’t Do It!

There’s this popular adage: An idle mind is the Devil’s workshop. You probably heard your mother or aunties repeat it whenever you chose to relax and not do what you were meant to do. Lol. Regardless of what your experience was, people who repeated that saying must have been on to something.

How come it’s when you are bored that you want to eat all the bad stuff? Or better yet, how come when children are left unengaged they get up to their mischief! Fam, honestly, too much free time can lead to trouble. Another way people put it is this: Nature abhors a vacuum.

Of course, you know I’m going to tie this back to the pandemic. Now that you are working from home, leaving your best life and trying to nap with all your free time, there is a chance that your mind may begin to go where it is not supposed to. Or to people it has no business thinking about. aka your toxic ex-boyfriend.

Maybe you are bored, or lonely. Maybe you have told yourself you want something short-term something temporary to appease your anxiety. Whatever the case may be, reaching out to a past relationship is not the way to go. Let me repeat: Let bygones be bygones. There is a reason you broke up with your ex in the first place.

I know you cannot close your mind from images of your ex that slowly filter in. But what you can do is to ask yourself some critical questions: What do I want to achieve from this? And no, fixing your boredom is not sufficient reason. A rebound with an ex can be instantly gratifying under the circumstances, but it can also give you dating amnesia for a short time, till you realise it’s the same person that you broke up with.

So don’t let yourself go down this emotional journey before remembering why you broke up with them in the first place. Start at the reason for the breakup. When you get that text message ‘hey’ or you’re tempted to send the text message, remember why you ended things and trust your decision. If you were going to be with them again, let it be based on a clear head, on both sides.

Don’t act on impulse. Give it some time and see if you still feel the same way. You’ll most likely have come to your senses by then. 🙂

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