Dear Younger Women, Plan for Adulthood

Woman laying on the ground and thinking about adulthood

I remember when I was in junior secondary school. Back then, I wistfully looked up to senior students and couldn’t wait to be ‘grown up’ like them. When I finally became a senior, I couldn’t wait to get to the University. Then I couldn’t wait to start working and earning some money. Someone should have warned the younger version of me. Lol.

As a woman in my thirties and right in the center of adulthood, I can now clearly say that there was really no hurry. Every season of life comes with necessary experience that shape us into the people we become.

I am grateful to be alive and getting ‘older.’ I am grateful for the lessons life has taught me along the way. In this article I share my top three nuggets for preparing for adult life.

Diversify Your Income

I always thought the rich said this because it was easier to do as a rich person. I thought ‘yeah, it’s easy for you to say, of course you can afford the time and resources to create many streams of income for yourself if you’re rolling in money.’ But I realised that they didn’t have different streams of income because they were rich. It was the other way round. They were rich because they had different streams of income.

Think of it this way. What else can you do on the side? How can you monetize your hobbies or talents? What about investment? How much money can you put away for long term financial investment? So it’s not about waiting till you’re rolling in money. Start with one side-hustle and then grow from there. It’s quite comforting to know, especially in this Covid-19 era that all my coins aren’t in or from one basket.

Outsource and Delegate

I think the ‘Superwoman’ notion is overrated. I’ve also discovered that many ‘superwomen’ have wings beneath their wings in the form of help. You don’t have to do everything yourself. Get help, especially in your areas of weaknesses and forge ahead in your areas of strength. You’ll find your efficiency levels will most likely go through the roof.

Resist The Urge To Compare

I can’t stress this one enough. Especially because I consider myself to be a thick skinned person and  I’m generally happy with my life. But I still find myself with a twinge of longing when I see others doing what I would love to do more of e.g travelling (before Covid). But I’ve realised they may have also had to wait and put in the work before going on travelling sprees, like I’m doing. And even if they didn’t, I have no idea what their backstory is. Don’t be deceived, there is no picture perfect life. Everybody has a struggle. Basically you can’t use social media to gauge the quality of someone’s life and start comparing to yours.


There is no one like you that can be youer than you. *wink*

Translation: Be yourself, be comfortable in your skin. Those world needs the original version of you because you have something no one else does.

Are there any pieces of advice you live by as an adult? Please share in the comments?

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