Dear Shy Girl, Shoot Your Shot!

If he’s looking, hold his gaze for a bit, look away and look back and if your feeling particularly bold, give a small smile

Shy girl making a move on her crush

I’m generally an introvert and pretty shy, so letting a guy know I am interested in him has always been awkward. Half of the time, I’d give up before even attempting and tell myself: whatever will be, will be’. Of course, I know this is just a cop-out.  Then there are times I would attempt to send glances across the room, but shy me would look away just as quickly. Then even after I say ‘hello’ I would freeze, suddenly unable to hold a proper conversation at that moment. Now, don’t get me wrong, I believe that if a guy wants a girl, no matter the awkwardness or tongue freezing or hiding, he will go after her. But I also believe there’s nothing wrong with encouraging or letting a brother know his advances are welcomed.

So for the shy sisters like me, here are a few ways you can do this.


Be friendly and open

Unfreeze your tongue, lol. If he comes up to you to make conversation, smile and be friendly. Be open and warm. There’s nothing stopping you from starting the conversation with him either. If he’s talking to someone you know, you can say hello to both parties, introduce yourself and continue the conversation. Under those circumstances, there is less pressure since there’s a familiar face in the conversation as well.

Make eye contact

Personally, this makes me even shyer lol. But we can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results, can we? So, up your confidence and make eye contact; don’t stare though. But if he’s looking, hold his gaze for a bit, look away and look back and if your feeling particularly bold, give a small smile. If he’s still looking, he’s most likely feeling you and your smile have told him, you feel the same.

Be available

There’s a place for ‘shakara’ or fronting if that’s your thing, but I would advise that you don’t ‘shakara’ so much that you push your love interest away, as some have been known to do. Then you start crying when he walks in with another girl, I digress. You may not want to seem overly available and jobless but still…be available. If you’re truly interested in him and would like to get to know him more, then being available would actually be in your best interest as well.

Compliment him

This will go a long way, especially if it’s genuine and not contrived. Everyone likes a compliment, more so someone who’s interested in you and vice versa. It makes him feel noticed and shows that his efforts have caught your attention. Bullseye.

So, my shy doves, I wish you all the best as you go out there and conquer your shyness by shooting your shot…subtly. *wink*


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