Career Moves for Boss Ladies and Female Executives

If you are wondering if you should be thinking more strategically about your career, ask yourself these questions: Am I fulfilled? Could I be doing more this year? Am I earning enough? Do I need a change? Am I growing?

Career woman looking into the distance

Okay, so January will be over in a matter of hours, but the year still has that touch of newness. At least to me. Lately, I have been thinking about ambitions and career moves, especially considering my own career developments from last year. Moreover, the new year offers a season to start afresh, whether personally or professionally. So naturally, this is the time to set the tone for the ambitions and milestones you want to achieve this year.

If you are wondering if you should be thinking more strategically about your career, ask yourself these questions: Am I fulfilled? Could I be doing more this year? Am I earning enough? Do I need a change? Am I growing?

Regardless of the answers you come up with, here are a few ways you can increase your chances of career growth.

Learn a new skill

The world is constantly evolving and with it, the skills and abilities needed to run it. For e.g. 10/15 years ago, knowing how to effectively position your business or yourself as an asset in the digital space was not as important as it is now. The digital marketplace is slowly taking over. Do your research before deciding what skill you would like to learn. Is it a skill that will enhance you personally, professionally or both and which one is more important to you now. There is a vast amount of resource on the internet and a lot of FREE and valuable information.

Attend trainings get a new certificate

Your CV should not look the same year in year out. Yes, you may be a faithful and loyal employee who has been at the same job for ten years but in that time, you should have some add-ons to your CV to boost it. E.g. a project management certificate. Or any relevant certificate or course that increases your validation in your industry.

Your network is your net worth

Put yourself out there. There are the six degrees of separation theory that claims you’re just six steps away from being introduced to anyone on the planet. Whether this is true or not, the power of networking shouldn’t be underestimated. Many jobs and opportunities can come through meeting someone who knows someone who knows the very person you need to meet. Even if they don’t, you may come to mind if they have a need that you can meet. They would’ve never thought of you though if they hadn’t met you in the first place.

Start a side hustle

You should explore the skills you have that can bring you money asides your job. Preferably, it should be different from your current profession (9-5) to avoid a conflict of interest. No one encourages stealing your boss’s clients :). Having more than one stream of income will increase your confidence and satisfaction with life. Apart from the extra cash, it offers a higher level of financial security and something to fall back on in case anything goes wrong with your 9-5.

Change your career completely

If you really feel a career change is important to you living the life of your dreams, then go for it but be prepared to do the work required to make that change. You may have to take a pay cut or go back to school and get a degree or certificate. You may have to start from the bottom. If this new career is something you are completely passionate about though, these things shouldn’t be a problem. It’s never too late to start something new.

Life is all about developing and growing, so if there are changes to be made, don’t hesitate to make them. Like they say, #Justdoit

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