Once you set a wedding date or settle on the time and venue for your big day, creating and sending the invitation cards is next on your to-do list. Whether you choose a minimalist approach to the information on your Invitation card or decide to add directions even to the restrooms at the venue, there are certain details that must be included on your invitation card.
The names of the bride and groom
Obvious, right? Yet it can be overlooked. This is to let your guests know who exactly they will be celebrating with. Traditionally, the bride’s name comes before the groom’s and the names are written as their first and middle names. For informal weddings/wedding invitations, your first names alone are enough.
The names of the hosts
Traditionally, the parents of the bride are the main hosts and their names come first. In cases where the hosts are both parents/families of the couple, their names should appear equally. However, these days, when many couples bear the full cost of the wedding and are to all intents and purposes, the hosts, you can leave out of the wedding invitation.
The request line
This could be a formal or informal line inviting your guest(s) to share your big day. It should state the kind of ceremony, whether Traditional, Registry or Religious.
It can read something like this: “Please join us on our big day”, “Come celebrate with us” or the more elaborate/formal “XYZ & ABC request the honour of your presence at the solemnization of marriage”.
The name(s) and number of guest(s)
This should state exactly who is invited and how many people the card admits. It is important to clarify at this point if it’s an individual, a couple, a family or a social/corporate group. If access cards will not be included and the wedding is being planned strictly by invitation for a very specific number of guests and no party crashers, this is the space to let your guests know.
Time-related details
This includes the date (or dates in the case of the average Nigerian wedding) and times of the wedding ceremony and reception.
Location-related details
This is to inform the guest about the venue(s) of the event(s). You could decide to include directions to locations that are not very well known. Some people go as far as drawing directional maps on the back of the invitation card.
It is smart to take note of the ease of access to your wedding location(s). Especially before deciding on how much information to give concerning the venue.
This is the name and contact details of the person(s) in charge of logistics for your big day. Ideally, guests are to respond to your invitation card and indicate their interest to attend or otherwise. However, be prepared for guests who won’t. Make sure your RSVP contact is easy to reach, as this is the person to whom your guests will direct enquiries about directions, accommodation, transportation and other pertinent details.
So, there you have it, the basics for your IV. You may want to include other things like dress and/or colour codes, after-party details and any other special restrictions and/or considerations.