Waiting is a permanent aspect of adulthood. There are a lot of things we have to wait for, like that email from the company you interviewed at, scholarship applications, a life partner, business growth, better health, examination results etc. It is like planting a seed; the seed will not grow overnight so you have to wait.
Yet, waiting is not easy, especially when it feels like your life is hanging on what you are waiting for. You think of it constantly, and eventually it leads to intense anxiety.
What’s the best way to wait then? Like, how can be de-stress our lives while we wait on these dreams. Here are a few things that helped me through my waiting seasons.
Stay Positive:
Sometimes, we tend to say negative things just so that we can feel better about the wait. Like, “I probably won’t get it or good things don’t happen to me.” Our words and thoughts are important in shaping our lives. Stay positive by writing out or speaking affirming words to yourself. Even if you don’t get what you are waiting for, your positivity will spur you to keep moving. That’s life, we win some, we lose some.
Talk to People:
Many of us believe that if we speak out what we want to people, we’ll jinx it and it wouldn’t happen. I don’t think that is true. We all need support systems and people to hold us up when we can’t. Share your worries, fears and anxiety with your close friends and family. You don’t have to wait alone.
Fill up your time:
Waiting can make two hours feel like two years. Instead of sitting around waiting why not do something? Try a new skill, maybe something you’ve always wanted to learn? If you feel strongly about issues, volunteer at an NGO tackling the issue. There is so much to do out there, find what you enjoy making the wait bearable.
Don’t compare:
I too, I am guilty of this one. We look at other people and say, this person has gotten their own, they have this, and that, why is my own different? Why do I have to wait so long? Comparison is a thief of joy. If you develop the habit of always looking at others and comparing, even when you get what you want/what they don’t even have, you won’t be satisfied.
There are seeds planted at the same time, yet they bear fruits differently. Focus on yourself.